Just bought some vinyl………..

Feiffer hipster 1

…..a 12″ LP….haven’t heard it in years………


I bought it on Discogs…….

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…from someone in Spain……

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I used it on mixtapes and DJ’ed it at parties in the 70s…….

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This stuff is the bomb, hepcats……….

Feiffer hipster 2

I had a grimy cassette copy, and from the notes I made on the cassette cover, I’ve managed to track down a copy of THE ORIGINAL VINYL that I borrowed from Southend Library all those years ago.

Feiffer hipster 1

Don those berets, whip out those shades and let’s WIG OUT!


Gabrielli, Giovanelli & Grillo; Venetian Polychoral Music from the 1600s……..


(all finger-poppin’ hepcats above courtesy of the great Jules Feiffer)

We are all Area Sales Executives now……..

……..punting our various creative bits and pieces, in relentless bouts of bleary-eyed online self-promotion. It’s a plan for life with failure built-in because no matter how much you do, there’s always a bit more that you could have done. Mark Zuckerberg sets up a content-less website, and we all work like lemmings to fill it up with ‘interesting’ stuff. Now just remind me again; who is it who’s done rather nicely out of that arrangement…. (apropos of which, FB seems to have developed something of the flavour of MySpace recently)…..

Anyway, back to relentless Area Sales Executiveness; I’ve added a ‘merch’ page to the site, where you can buy some ‘merch’. I will get round to clothing it in a fig-leaf of artistic merit by renaming it a ‘Discography’, and adding in the albums that I’ve been on that I either haven’t got ‘in stock’ or are now out of print, etc., etc. But for the time being you can browse the Shop of Jonny right here.

Thank you for shopping at Shop of Jonny.

Not that you’ll probably buy anything, of course; you’ll probably just try to sell me some bloody trinket of your own…….

The celluloid dream of the Psychedelic Raiders…….

A very good friend, Colin Harrison, recently took the time and trouble to comp together the following ‘promo’ video for the Psychedelic Raiders. The footage of the band is real enough – captured by Colin one evening at a rather atmosphere-less gig in an Oxfordshire pub – but the artistry is in his cinematic narration of the audience……….

What follows is a promo for the Psychedelics’ new album ‘Cosmic Wheels’, featuring a song that’s not even on the album. As Colin himself noted in the Youtube publishing notes – Warning: this video contains hyperbole, distortions and downright fibs…

Success guaranteed then!

The song, by the way, is a Staples’ original called ‘I Don’t Believe’…….

Death, Decay & Renewal vinyl release……

This is slightly old news. Maybe just a few strands of mould on the loaf kind of slightly old. But you can always pick that off, and it’ll be fine. This is from July 2014, to be exact. So there we are; almost only yesterday, or at least no earlier than the day before yesterday.

We were asked by Steve Krakow, Lush cosmetics packaging art uber-meister and Chicagoan psychedelic skronk loafer extraordinaire, to contribute the bookend tracks from ‘Deathless‘ to a limited-edition double vinyl LP he was compiling to celebrate the launch of a new range of Lush perfumes called ‘Death, Decay & Renewal’.

I melded the two pieces into a seamlessly-segued continuous track by means of Subtle Artifices of Digital Specification and the resultant quite short track (with a quite long title) duly appeared on the album below.

Jon Seagroatt_Lush vinyl album

Bobbie and I also played at the launch event as part of a cut-down version of Comus, which Bobbie rather nicely dubbed ‘Cominus’. This consisted of Roger Wootton, Bobbie, Dylan Bates (Comus’ stand-in violin player when Colin Pearson is unavailable) and me. I also got to do a bit of scronking on bass clarinet with Steve Krakow and Dawn Aquarius as part of their Werewheels manifestation.

I really must find out what skronking actually is one of these days. Steve……?

There’s other news as well, of course: I’ve really got to get a grip and post some of it……..